Senior Citizens Party

Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th February 2025

Kenilworth Round Table and Kenilworth Ladies Circle are delighted to bring back the Senior Citizens Party.

Over 200 people attend our popular party held over two nights in February at the Kenilworth Sports and Social Club.

This year’s party will be held on Monday 24th February and Tuesday 25th February. The evening will include dinner, bingo, a raffle, and an entertaining show including well-loved songs, dances, and sketches.

Tickets are free and Senior Citizens from Kenilworth are welcome to apply to attend on a first-come, first-served basis. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Click the button below to apply to attend. You will receive conformation that your booking has been sent, an email confirming your booking will go out after 15th February.

Last date to sign up is Saturday 15th February 2024, or until capacity is reached!

On the evening, please arrive for 7pm at the Sports and Social Club, Upper Rosemary Hill, CV8 2PA.

Apply to Attend


Activities on the two nights include bingo, a raffle and a ‘who’s the oldest’ competition.

The main entertainment is when Round Table and Ladies Circle members try their hand at well-lovved songs, dances and and comedy sketches through the decades.

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